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Contact us
Viru Keemia Grupp
Reg no 16627014
14 Järveküla tee
30198 Kohtla-Järve
Phone: +372 334 2700
Information: +372 334 2701
Fax: +372 337 5044
Viru Keemia Grupp
Public Relations Department
Technical Department
Development department
Sales department
Procurement Department
Priit Einmann
Supply Chain Manager
Finance Department
Personnel Department
Reporting an incident
If you notice an event which is not in conformity with good business practices and generally accepted moral standards, please notify us of it via a channel suitable for you:
- in writing to
- by calling the hotline 334 2819
The anonymity of the notifier will be guaranteed, if the notifier so wishes. The hotline and e-mail can be used by VKG’s employees, cooperation partners and third persons. The information forwarded via the above channels will only reach an independent person who will guarantee confidentiality and ensure the anonymity of the notifier. The said person will analyse the information received and handle the resolution of the situation.